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Protect Critical Business Data

Powerful data backup for any platform or business environment

Explore Our Data Protection Features

Advanced features for backup, synchronization, and data migration

Backup and Synchronization Service

Backup and Synchronization Service

Secure business continuity with automated data backup or synchronization in real-time mode across critical operation centers and platforms.

Centralized Administration

Centralized Web Console

Reduce your workload with our web-enabled backup management system, which supports multiple endpoint and server OS and local / remote file systems.

Remote File Access

Remote File Access

Remotely access data stored on any of your devices or cloud storage service accounts from a single location; it's convenient, fast, and secure.

Real Time Data Transfer

Real Time Data Transfer

Automatically detects changes in monitored files and folders, propagating them to the target in real-time — no user interaction required.

Block Level Data Transfer

Block Level Data Transfer

Propagates only the data blocks changed since the last analysis, significantly reducing backup time, network consumption, and storage requirements.

Unattended Service

Unattended Service

Runs as a background service, performing automated, scheduled, and real-time backups with no user interaction required.

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Explore Industries We Support

Protecting industry data for over 10 years

education icon

Increased demand for mobility combined with BYOD policies dictates the need for uninterrupted access and delivery of course materials, student records. and business documents. Geographically dispersed schools and campuses require constant data synchronization to ensure full data redundancy, access point independence, and system survivability.

financial services icon

Time sensitivity of financial data, combined with the demand for mobile access, security, and quick automatic recovery dictates the need for real-time document access and backup. Users need to access, edit, and save documents in a fast and secure manner from any location. Saved data then needs to be backed up in real-time to ensure complete data redundancy.

healthcare icon

To improve operational efficiency, healthcare providers must embrace mobility, as well as the automatic delivery of data between remote computers and a central location. Geographically dispersed hospitals and offices need to back up data to multiple destination points in order to ensure compliance with HIPAA, privacy laws, and other security policies.

goverment icon

Mobility, data security, and budgetary constraints are defining requirements for most Government agencies today. GoodSync delivers platform independence, mass deployable remote file access, data backup, and synchronization solutions at a fraction of the cost of its competitors.

construction icon

Remote construction sites need to access, edit, and save project documents in a fast and secure manner. Project documentation must also be kept in sync with a central location, ensuring recovery in the case of a disaster. Uninterrupted remote file access and redundancy of project data reflects positively on productivity, project delivery time, and operational efficiency.

energy icon

Automated and secure data transfer from remote locations to a centralized destination, as well as data synchronization between critical operations centers, are crucial components in this highly regulated industry. Data loss is not an option for companies involved in energy production, distribution, and management.

media icon

The success of a company in the media and entertainment industry is defined by its ability to connect remote offices and teams in a functional, secure, and collaborative environment. Data synchronization of large media files between operation centers, as well as complete data redundancy, are necessities for the media and entertainment industry.

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