GoodSync for Linux v 12.8.3
GoodSync for UNIX is a command line version of GoodSync that allows running GoodSync components on 32-bit and 64-bit Linux systems running on various processors.
These are the components provided:
* gsync -- command line version of GoodSync client.
* gs-server -- GoodSync server that serves files via GSTP protocol.
* gscp -- GoodSync file system command line client, to download / upload / rename files.
Download and Install
Linux for Intel 64-bit:
Linux for Intel 32-bit:
Linux for Raspberry Pi 64 bit:
Linux for Raspberry Pi 32 bit:
Linux for Power PC:
Linux for ARM v5 Marvell:
Version and News
GoodSync for Linux requires GS-V11 license, after trial period.
You can buy GoodSync licenses.
Free 30-day trial is available to all new users.
To start using GoodSync on Linux, enroll your computer into GoodSync Account:
gsync /gs-account-enroll=gs-account-email
GoodSync Account is identified by gs-account-email.
Account password will be requested from console.
Account is verified by Mediator and Gs-Server service is started.
To activate GoodSync Linux license from GoodSync Account, use command line:
gsync /activate
Licenses must already be in GoodSync Account, you can verify it by logging in, and going to License tab.
gsync: How to Use
Documentation of the command line version of GoodSync is provided in
the Command Line Manual and GSYNC Manual.
Command Line version commands and options are the same on Windows and Linux/UNIX.
Jobs and Groups are kept in file ~/.goodsync/jobs-groups-options.tix
which is a text file that you can modify in text editor.
More on its format in the TIX Manual.
Server Accounts are kept in file ~/.goodsync/accounts-bookmarks.tic
which is an unreadable text file that is synced between Devices via Mediator.
All your Server Account credentials that are used in Jobs are kept in this file.
You can copy jobs.tix file from a Windows computer and edit it or just create it on a UNIX box.
The best mode of using GoodSync on command line Linux is to:
* Prepare your Jobs on GoodSync Ver 11 on Windows or MacOS desktop.
* Use only gstps:// and Online Storage (such as gdrive://) paths, no local paths (such as file://)
* Sync Jobs from Desktop to GoodSync Account using Sync Jobs button on GS desktop.
* Sync Jobs from GoodSync Account to Linux box using:
gsync /sync-jobs-accts
* gstps:// paths are automatically converted to file:// paths if GsServer is the same box as this GS Client.
* Start synced Job:
gsync /sync JobName
If you want to edit Server Accounts locally on Linux box, it is possible too:
/sa-list [prefix://] -- List Server Accounts (starting with prefix) /sa-create NewAcctData -- Create new Server Account and populate it with NewAcctData /sa-oauth prefix:// -- Perform Browser Authentication (OAuth2), save results in Server Account /sa-update AcctKey/AcctName NewAcctData -- Update existing Server Account with NewAcctData /sa-rename AcctKey/AcctName NewAcctName -- Rename Server Account to New Name /sa-delete AcctKey/AcctName -- Delete Server Account by its Key or Name
To see changes produced by Analyze of this job, without applying them, type:
gsync /list-changes=yes analyze "Remote To Local Job"
To Sync the job, type:
gsync sync "Remote To Local Job" /profile=/volume1/homes/username/.goodsync
gs-server: How to Use
Documentation for GoodSync Server is provided in the GoodSync Server Manual.
Easiest way to setup and (re)start Gs-Server is do /gs-account-enroll described in the previous section:
gsync /gs-account-enroll=gs-account-email
By default GoodSync Connect infrastructure is used for P2P sync.
It is also possible to use regular static IP names/addresses to get to this server, if you change this setting:
GlobalDiscovery = yes/no (in settings.tix file)
If you set Discovery to No then this server has static IP name/address and you will address it in GS client as gstp://
If you set Discovery to Yes then this server has IP address that changes and GoodSync clients will use GoodSync Connect infrastructure to get to this server.
This server shall be addressed as gstp://
Server settings are stored in file ~/.goodsync/server/settings.tix which is an editable text file in TIX format.
The best way to edit it is via Web UI which is available at http://GsServerLocalHost:11000 via any HTML browser.
Another important configuration file is List Of Users that are authorized to connect to this server, it is stored in file ~/.goodsync/server/users.tix, also a text file in TIX format.
It must contain at least one Admin user which is referred to in settings.tix.
The Admin user (also called primary user) is allowed to change server settings via Web UI and it can access all files and folders on the server.
Credentials of Admin user are required to login to Web UI of the server.
The non-admin (secondary) users are usually limited to a specific folder on the server and it cannot change any of the server settings.
Typical settings.tix file for serving of files from the server that has static IP name (file server On, web UI on, global discovery off, local discovery off, no DAV server) is:
<ServerSettings> LogLevel = 4 ConsoleLevel = 0 RetainLogDays = 10 LogFolder = "C:/ProgramData/GoodSync/server" LogPrefix = "gserver" MaxConnections = 512 RequestAuthentication = Yes OfferBasicAuth = Yes OfferDigestAuth = Yes ComputerId = "compid" Plain-Allow = Yes SSL-Allow = Yes SSL-CertificatePath = "/path-to-cert-file.crt" SSL-PrivateKeyPath = "/path-to-key-file.key" SSL-AllowedCiphers = "" GstpFileServer = Yes GstpFilePort = 33333 GstpFileLocalOnly = No GstpMapExtPortViaUpnp = No GstpExtPort = 0 LocalDiscovery = Yes GlobalDiscovery = Yes GstpManagePort = 33334 WebUiServer = Yes WebUiPort = 11000 WebUiLocalOnly = Yes DavServer = No DavPort = 22222 DavLocalOnly = Yes ForwarderServer = Yes Receiver = Yes Version = 1 </ServerSettings>
Typical users.tix file with Admin user only is:
<AccountList> nAccounts = 1 <Account> UserID = "server-user-id" PasswordProt = "server-user-password-garbled" HomeFolder = "" SysUserID = "system-user-id" SysUserPwd = "" ReadOnly = No Impersonate = Yes ProtectSystem = Yes RegisterWithMediator = Yes </Account> </AccountList>
If you want to run gs-server as a daemon (service), you can put this file into /etc/rc.init/rc/d to declare gs-server service:
#! /bin/sh # chkconfig: - 60 20 # description: The GoodSync Server # processname: gs-server . /etc/sysconfig/network . /etc/init.d/functions if [ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] ; then exit 0 fi RETVAL=0 start() { echo -n "Starting GS Server services: " daemon /home/user/gs-server/gs-server /profile=/home/user/config /service=user:group RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/gs-server return $RETVAL } stop() { echo -n "Stopping GS Server services: " killproc gs-server RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/gs-server return $RETVAL } restart() { stop start } # See how we were called. case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; status) status gs-server ;; restart) restart ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}" exit 1 ;; esac exit $RETVAL
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is GUI version planned?
A: Not now. Command line version is produced for scripting, automation and data center operations, none of which requires a GUI.