Version News of Control Center
GoodSync Control Center v 3.2.4 on 2025-02-07
* Added an option to use an existing GoodSync account when adding a new administrator or during sign-up.
* Removed the ability to delete or disable the current administrator.
* Improved the Server Accounts page to accurately reflect data after synchronization is completed.
* Enhanced the user interface for managing Job and Runner assignments.
* Updated Edit Job dialog to include missing GoodSync GUI options.
* Various bug fixes and improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.2.3 on 2024-12-17
* Login: Derive UserId of GoodSync Account from its Email using Mediator.
* Improve integration of GS Mediator with the GSCC database.
* Do not require Email for hidden GoodSync account that stores Jobs and Groups.
* Misc user Interface fixes and improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.2.1 on 2024-12-05
* Added sharing of a set of Server Accounts, Jobs, and Groups between
several GoodSync Accounts connected to GSCC Account.
* Creating a GSCC Administrator triggers creation of a GoodSync Account and
grants this new GS Account access to the shared Jobs dataset in AccountSync mode.
* GSCC Admin authentication is performed using Credentials of
GoodSync Account linked to the current CC Administrator in AccountSync mode.
* 2FA authentication is now managed by the GoodSync Account in AccountSync mode.
* Company's runners can use different GoodSync Accounts for their operations,
so CC Runner can be partitioned into several revocable groups with different authentication.
* Various bug fixes and minor improvements.
Description of the New Scheme 3.2: Account Sync + Control Center + CC-runners
*** Control Center and GoodSync Accounts
* Control Center Account now can be linked to one or more GoodSync Accounts.
* CC-runner on each Computer is linked to CC Account and GoodSync Account.
* CC-runner receives Jobs, Groups and Server Accounts from its GoodSync Account.
* GoodSync GUI Client is linked to GoodSync Account, who in turn may be linked to CC Account,
so GS Client can feed its Jobs and Server Account to Control Center via GoodSync Account.
* GoodSync Accounts can be unlinked from CC Account, causing
GS clients and CC Clients of the delinked GS Account to lose access to shared Jobs.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.1.5 on 2024-09-03
* Fixed Job Run Once modal.
* Fixed Server Accounts page navigation.
* Improvements in Job and Job Runner management.
* Enhancements to user interface and experience.
* Updates to email and security features.
* Improvements in Server account and folder handling.
* Various bug fixes and minor improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.1.4 on 2024-06-07
* Enabled Account Sync by default for new users.
* Fixed bugs in job options, auto options, and schedule assignments.
* Changed email sender and sender name in all sent emails.
* Changed text for some elements of UI.
* Changed tables to use a Checkbox to select all items.
* Updated Getting Started page for use with GoodSync Account.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.1.3 on 2024-04-29
* Information about the last activity time of a runner is added to the runner's table.
* Adjustment of an information visible on the Account page.
* Fixed saving of a Job in the Old scheme that didn't work for some users.
* Fixed Global Runner Options saving in the New scheme that didn't work for some users.
* General UI adjustments and fixes for both new and old schemes.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.1.2 on 2024-03-27
* Added creation of GoodSync Account in the signup process.
* Added creation of GoodSync Account on switch to new mode.
* Job, Job Runner, Timetable, Account, and Settings page improvements.
* Show Client-side encryption options.
* Misc GUI fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.1.1 on 2024-03-01
Description of Intermediate Scheme 3.1: Account Sync + Control Center + CC-runners
*** CC-Runner
* Each CC-Runner has CC account assigned to it and GS account.
* If GS account is empty then this is Old Scheme (ver < 3.0).
* If GS account is specified and CC account Company Settings specifies then same account
then CC-Runner takes Jobs and Server Accounts from GS account and CC-jobs does too.
* CC-Runner takes commands to run Jobs (Periodically and One Time) from CC.
* GS Account must allow integration with CC by specifying CC CompanyId in GS Account settings online.
* CC-Runner installer allows to specify these in GUI:
CC CompanyId and CompanyPIN (CL: /cc-coid= and /cc-copin=)
GS UserId and Password (CL: /gs-userid= and /gs-pwd=_
These parameters can also be specified in command line for scripted installs
* CC-Runner allows to specify Proxy parameters in CL only:
/cc-proxy=proxy-url and /cc-proxy-auth=userid:passwd
* Accounts Password has been removed.
*** Control Center
* New page/table called Timetable is introduced.
* Each line in this table specifies that:
Job JJ will run on Runner RR according to Auto Options AA.
AA is your regular Job Auto Options, only they are now detached from the Job
and different Runners can have different Auto Options for one Job.
* These lines can be added in Jobs by dialog Assign Job to Runner(s) or
in Runner by dialog Assign Job to Runner(s).
* Auto Options of one line can be changed, Assignment can be added or removed.
* CC Account Creation -> Linked GS Account creation:
When user creates CC Account CoId, by default
GSCC asks Mediator to create GS Account gscc-CoId
with Password being CompanyPin.
GS Account will refer back to created CC account to allow integration.
*** Work flow
* Admin creates CC account with GS account attached to it.
* Admin installs GS GUI (or CC-runner) on his Model Computer to backup.
It is possible to have many Model Computers, one GS GUI license per such computer.
* Admin setup us Jobs and Server Accounts on Model Computer.
* Jobs are Account-Synced to Mediator.
* Control Center picks up Jobs and Server Account from Mediator
when CC admin clicks Sync with Mediator in Control Center Web UI.
* Admin installs CC-Runners on computers where mass backup is needed.
* Admin assigns Jobs to CC-Runners and specified Auto Options for their run.
* CC-Runner run jobs that they received thru Mediator via GS Account
using Auto Options that they received from Control Center.
* CC-Runner send Jobs reports and Logs to CC-Jobs where Admin can observe them.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.0.3 Feb 14, 2024
* Job Runs filtering fixed.
* Actualized icon for Jobs menu entry.
GoodSync Control Center v 3.0.1 Feb 5, 2024
* Account Sync: Two-way sync now can be done between GSCC and Mediator, same as in GoodSync Desktop.
* Account Sync: Two-way sync is Off by default, but can be turned On in Company Settings.
* Account Sync: switch between old scheme (CC has its own Jobs) and new scheme (Jobs from Mediator).
* Account Sync: Jobs and Server Accounts are synced between all CC-runners in one Company, via Mediator.
* Account Sync: Company now can point to GoodSync Account and all Jobs of this Account are synced.
* Account Sync: Jobs can now be created in GoodSync GUI client and synced to CC Runner via Mediator.
* Account Sync: Added page for viewing Accounts and Bookmarks received during sync.
* Account Sync: Added Create new Job, Edit existing Job using existing Accounts and Bookmarks.
* Account Sync: Jobs table now has File System icons for Job Side columns.
* Account Sync: Job Auto Options are separated into Schedules and Auto Decisions.
* Account Sync: Global Runner options are now synced, so all CC-Runners have the same Program Options.
* Account Sync: Proxy options are configured per CC-runner install and are not synced between CC Runners.
* Account Sync: Runner Groups are not used in the new scheme. Groups are replaced by Schedules.
* Added Resolve-Weak-Conflicts Job option.
* Miscellaneous error fixes.
GSCC ver 3 Account Sync Summary
CC User (with help from support) can switch from Old Scheme to New Scheme.
Existing GSCC Accounts keep Old Scheme (No Account Sync):
* Jobs can be edited in GSCC Web UI.
* Server Accounts may be uploaded from GS GUI client.
GSCC Ver 3 adds the New Scheme that is more flexible and allows full integration with GoodSync GUI,
so you can create and test-run your Jobs in a regular GoodSync GUI Client on Windows or Mac.
In the New Scheme you can:
* Perform two-way sync of Server Accounts, Jobs, and Program Options
between GoodSync Account on Mediator and GoodSync Control Center Account (GSCC).
* Mediator syncs Jobs and Server Accounts to GoodSync GUI Clients, which are used for Job testing.
* Edit existing Jobs and Program Options in Control Center and in GoodSync GUI.
* Create new Jobs from existing Accounts and Bookmarks -- in Control Center and in GoodSync GUI.
* Create Schedules for job runs and assign them to CC-runners.
* View existing Server Accounts and their Bookmarks (for now read only).
Automatic job options in the new scheme are split into two categories:
* Criteria for executing Jobs automatically. Located in the Auto block as before.
* Execution Schedules. Now a separate entity,
telling which Jobs to execute on which CC-Runner and at what times.
* Runner Groups were removed in the new scheme, replaced by Schedules.
Switching from the old to the new working scheme requires a complete transition from Jobs sent to CC-runner as command line to Jobs of CC-Runner being synced from GoodSync Account and only Auto Options and Schedules are sent to CC Runner from Control Center.
When switching to the new scheme, Jobs, Preferences and the history of Job runs for the old scheme become inaccessible, as the old mode Jobs are no longer visible to CC-runners. But you can switch back to the Old Scheme, until New Scheme is complete.
Switching to the new scheme is done in the Company Settings section. To activate the New Scheme you must specify the GoodSync Account that will be used for Account Sync. All CC-Runners connected to this GoodSync Account (via Control Center) and all GoodSync GUI clients connected to this GoodSync Account (via Mediator) will have the same Jobs, Server Accounts and Program Options.
Control Center performs Account Sync (with Mediator) when Sync Token changes. This is done to reduce number of Account Syncs when nothing has changed.
If there were changes during Account Sync between GSCC and the Mediator, the current Sync Token in the headers sent to the cc-runner will change and it signals to CC Runner that full Account Sync is needed.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.12 Mar 10, 2023
* Miscellaneous error fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.11 Feb 24, 2023
* Added expiration time for enrolled devices.
* Added new options for logs detail level, the location of the logs.
* Miscellaneous UI fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.10 Feb 10, 2023
* Changes Log page added to the Reports part.
* Added the ability to batch change the backup direction for jobs on the jobs page.
* Maximum Email address length on the login page is increased up to 60.
* Job group deactivation fixed.
* Miscellaneous UI fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.9 Oct 10, 2022
* Fixed Runner Group recreation.
* Fixed char-set for viewing logs.
* Fixed validation rules for Job name.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.8 July 20, 2022
* Fixed Admin name validation rules.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.7 Mar 22, 2022
* Google Cloud file system added.
* Miscellaneous GUI fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.6 Feb 11, 2022
* File Systems: Added SMBD file system, Added file system AFPD.
* Changes history: replaced passwords with ***.
* Self Hosted installer improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.5 July 20, 2021
* Changed DaysToExpire for Cookie from 6000 to 999, not to hit year 2038.
* Release memory more often on HTML server.
* Added new file protocol: Android file protocol, used to get access to SD card.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.4 Dec 28, 2020
* Removed JobRunner rename option -- Runner Name is UserName@ComputerName always.
* Updated instructions in getting-started page.
* Changed runner download link to GoodSync Runner ver 11.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.3 Aug 03, 2020
* Removed time job limitation.
* Job count limit for Workstation license has been increased.
* Fixed bug with clearing runner assignments.
* Interface improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.2 Feb 07, 2020
* Fixed Special ops command bugs.
* Job count limit for Server license has been increased.
* Job setting 'Do not check SSL server certificates' is now off by default.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.1.1 Jan 09, 2020
* Job Viewing and Editing divided into two pages, Job editing is performed in modal window.
* Assign Runners and Assign Groups are now separate dialogs.
* Choosing folder for sides moved into Edit Job modal window.
* Added option to cancel RunOnce command that has been queued.
* Removed Active/Inactive status for runners, now Runners are just Authorized or not.
* Removed CAPTCHA validation for creating Groups, as Admin is signed in already.
* New limits: Max Admins = Workstation licenses * 3 + Server licenses * 3.
* New limits: Max Runner Groups = Workstation licenses * 2 + Server licenses * 2.
* New limits: Max Jobs = Workstation licenses * 10 + Server licenses * 10.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.11 Dec 16, 2019
* Get back to showing checkboxes to choose jobs to run, etc.
* Added option to change language.
* Added CAPTCHA validation for creating company administrators, runner groups, jobs.
* Removed non-TLS connection option for GS Connect, Azure Files, Azure Blobs, Amazon S3.
* Accommodate changes in CC Runner command line.
* Introduce limits for OTP requests.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.10 Aug 27, 2019
* Added CAPTCHA validation in signup form.
* Added stopped Runners tracking.
* Changed Runners filter view.
* Added group operations for runners: Activate, Deactivate, Delete.
* Improved interactive table experience.
* User Interface improvements and bug fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.9 July 16, 2019
* Added ability to delete uploaded Server Accounts.
* User Interface improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.8 May 15, 2019
* Added two-factor authentication ability via SMS.
* Added phone field to administrators profile.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.7 Apr 25, 2019
* Added saving count of viewable rows in tables.
* Added 'Check All' checkboxes.
* Added ability to delete Job Runners.
* Security updates, bug fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.6 Apr 03, 2019
* Security updates, bug fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.5 Mar 13, 2019
* Fixed memory leaks, fixed more bugs.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.4 Feb 15, 2019
* User Interface improvements.
* Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.3 Dec 25, 2018
* Added Mega file system to list of file systems.
* Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.2 Dec 06, 2018
* Added GSCC trial account creation form confirmation message.
* Fixed Clear Stalled, Stop Job Run handlers for RunOnce Assignment.
* Added cleaning for RunOnce stalled assigns.
* Misc bug fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.1 Nov 05, 2018
* Added renaming Runners.
* Fixed 'broken' filters on Job page.
* Improve Reports.
* Misc bug fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 2.0.0 Oct 20, 2018
* Hide Users and Computers, focus on Runners instead.
* Runner is a combination of Computer and User, manifested by actual CC Runner install.
* Job is now assigned just to Runner, not to a Computer or User.
* Added Runner Group, to replace User and Computer Groups.
* Rework Job creation and editing, to improve usability.
* One page for Job Viewing and Editing, instead of original two pages.
* Show Left and Right Sync folder and Sync direction like in GoodSync desktop.
* Break Job Options into smaller goal-based sections.
* Have a rudimentary Browse dialog, that allows to select Server Account and folder.
* Added cron to human-readable converter for Scheduled Automation.
* Added Environment / GoodSync Variables auto-complete control.
* Added Job creation from Templates to simplify Job setup for common use cases.
* Assignment list appears inside the Job page.
* Added manual links and a separate Job creation tour.
* Added Tutorials, Tours and Help texts.
* Speed of GUI and Runner request processing increased a lot.
GoodSync Control Center v 1.7.4 July 18, 2018
* Added prevention of brute force attacks on Login page (5 attempts 600 sec delay).
* Added page for sending emails to users in Server-Admin interface.
* Added client validation in Clone Job dialog.
* Bug fixes.
GoodSync Control Center v 1.7.3 June 16, 2018
* Moved JobsServer html-server and database to bigger server.
* Dashboard: Moved graphs to separate Graphs page, as they take a lot of processing to generate.
* Moved to bigger and faster server.
* Migrated database to MySQL 5.7.
* Increased performance of html-server om which Jobs server is based.
* Dashboard: Moved graphs to separate Graphs page, to speed up Dashboard.
* Bugs fixes and performance improvements.
Version 1.7.0 May 22, 2018
* Added Assignments for Jobs to Runners.
* Added Statistics tab in Server-Admin page.
* Added View for all assignments of Job on Job page (hide if unused).
* Speedup JobRuns filter on JobRuns page (text fields changed to drop-down lists).
Version 1.6.1 Mar 07, 2018
* Added View Page for uploaded GS Accounts.
* UI fixes: Job Column width etc. UI fixes: Job Column width, etc.
* Job Upload work decently with GoodSync GUI ver 10.8.0.
Version 1.6.0 Feb 28, 2018
* Added Company PIN setting for new Runners registration.
* Added One Time Password auth to access Control Center web interface.
* Added Admin Session management and Login History on Settings page.
* Added option to Auto-Logoff from User Interface due to client inactivity.
* Admin profile settings moved from cookies to the database: timezone, locale.
* Renamed SMB windows share to 'Network Share'.
* Added AFP file system for MacOS.
* Added option Require TLS session reuse on Data Connection for FTP.
* Added check-all checkbox to Runners list page for bulk operations.
* Added redirect error handlers for all AJAX queries.
Version 1.5.0 Dec 15, 2017
* Added password recovery function via Email.
* Added Special Operation queue view to the Special Ops Dialog.
* Bug Fixes and Performance improvements.
Version 1.4.13 Dec 01, 2017
* Added date/time localization and time zones in Settings page.
* Bug Fixes and Performance improvements.
Version 1.4.12 Nov 17, 2017
* Bug Fixes and Performance improvements.
* Better Reports, bug fixes.
* Rearranged edit Job to be the similar with the desktop version of GoodSync.
* Improved dialog for editing Admin profile.
Version 1.4.11 Sep 22, 2017
* Performance improvements.
* Better Reports, bug fixes.
Version 1.4.10 Sep 03, 2017
* Speed up operation of Control Center for large users.
* Fixed sending emails by Control Center.
* Added scheduled task to auto clean up stalled Job Runs.
Version 1.4.9 Aug 22, 2017
* Performance improvements.
* Added On Logout job option.
Version 1.4.7 July 07, 2017
* Add new index that speeds up bottleneck password query a lot.
* Several /api/get-jobs optimizations, to speed it up.
* Use new #eof statement to speed up include file reading.
Version 1.4.4 June 20, 2017
* Add executing Special Operations on the Runners, such as Delete Recycled Files, Cleanup Recycled.
* Add GS Runner version number display to Computers, Job Runners and Job Runner pages.
* Optimized MySQL queries and page drawing.
Version 1.3.4 June 06, 2017
* Speed up CC by configuring MySQL for higher performance.
Version 1.3.3 May 12, 2017
* Improve Job View presentation.
* Changed Side panel, Top panel and User profile design.
* Speed up updates of Job Run status.
Version 1.3.0 May 05, 2017
* Store log lines in actual log files, not in databases, to speed up job runs.
Version 1.2.0 Apr 29, 2017
* Added support for GS Accounts and Folders Options.
* Add Program Options page (Proxy, SMTP, etc) to replace Global Job Options.
* Added Reports: Data transfer usage, Last Successful Run, All Errors / Conflicts.
* Added Job Options: Copy original names, Copy Extended Attributes, Compare Extended Attributes.
Version 1.1.2 Apr 05, 2017
* Misc error fixes.
Version 1.1.1 Feb 09, 2017
* Add Licensing, connect with payment system.
* Initial Accounts support.
* Added Job Start Once command.
* Add Stalled Job Runs listing and Stop button for them.
* Added Clone Job command.